




SASSY Program

Full Program & Digital Program available

Are you ready to heal from past relationship wounds and learn the secrets to attracting the right relationship for you?

This program is designed to not only help you to heal and reconnect to your true self, but also teach you how to bring your authentic, sexy, confident-self to dating. Why? Because this is how you will find the right guy (or gal) for you!


The Worthy Woman

Full Program & Digital Program available

My vision is to have a world where all women feel free, unrestrained and authentically themselves.

Where they go after the things in life that truly light them up, without conforming to the narrative they’ve been given about how a woman should be, or sacrificing their soul’s desires in order to gain love, acceptance, and to feel 'enough'.


The Self-Love Challenge

FREE 5 Day Challenge

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of being all things to everyone…. Everyone except YOU!!

This challenge has been designed to give you a taste of what working with me is like, and is for those who are ready to start prioritising themselves but are unsure where to start or what that would even look like!


The Unleashed Goddess

A 9 month program for women ready to self-actualise and realise their full potential.

In this program we bring you back to your original state of being, and in connection with the divine woman you are. You will move forward in your journey to becoming a Wise Woman by unleashing the Goddess within. 


The Gottman Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Online Workshop

Two-day couples online workshop held Sunday 13 & Sunday 20th March 2022.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is a workshop designed to educate couples in committed relationships on what it takes to make marriage work and what behaviours lead to divorce, based on decades of research carried out by the Gottman Institute. The workshop will not only educate couples, but also offer a range of evidence-based tools that improve friendship and connection, assist with effective communication and conflict resolution, and enhance connection through creating shared meaning and rituals.


Ash, 23

The Worthy Woman

"It took me a couple of weeks to really get in the swing of things on the program, I tried to run away from it like I always do when it comes to working on myself because it was something I never did. But I cannot explain how grateful I am and I honestly feel like me again but a new and better version. I thought I would never recover or feel whole again. You and the program have changed my life and I just wanted to thank you so much for leading me in the right direction and being on this journey with me. I am now seeing my flaws as characteristics of what makes me and I'm accepting of all of me, I have got back out there socially and have met complete strangers that have turned into friends, my relationship is blooming again and most importantly I feel HAPPY again!!!!

Thank you thank you thank you kind heartedly"

About Shannon

Shannon Burgess is a Clinical Psychologist, Couple's Therapist, Relationship Coach and, Women's Coach. 

Shannon uses her 12+ years of experience to support women on their journey of tapping into their authentic selves, connecting to what they deeply desire out of life, and shifting into a version of themselves where they feel whole and worthy.





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