This 9-month program is designed and taught by Shannon Burgess; Clinical Psychologist, Couple's Therapist, Relationship Coach and, Women's Coach. 



This 9-month program is designed and taught by Shannon Burgess; Clinical Psychologist, Couple's Therapist, Relationship Coach and, Women's Coach. 

Who taught you what it means to be a woman?

Who taught you about sexuality? About orgasms and self-pleasure?

Who taught you about exploration of your own body and your deep desires?

Who taught you about healthy boundaries? Knowing what to say yes to and how to say no?

If you're like me, your answers will be something like "no one", or "my friends", or "through lived experiences".  

Where did you have a safe space through your teens, 20’s, 30’s and even later in life, to talk about all the things ‘women’s business’…. A space where you could share your experiences and have them normalised by other women who were experiencing the same challenges, or where you were able to receive wisdom and guidance from women who ACTUALLY KNEW what they were talking about??!

These conversations, if they did occur, were likely to have random and spontaneous, during “girl chats” over drinks, or long launches that went into some wild territory…. I’m always saddened to hear how limited these conversations and spaces have been for so many women.   

I love being able to create the space to have these conversations. To explore topics that have been deemed taboo or “embarrassing” in nature. We have been shamed out of embracing and embodying the beauty, the gifts and the possibilities that we possess as women.



One of my passions is to support women to become the most fully self-expressed versions of themselves.   

To feel free to explore ALL that she is here to experience. Why?? Asides from wanting women to experience the most divine existence, to live in alignment with their soul’s purpose, and to experience a joyful and. abundant life…..  

My greater goal is to impact on the generations to come… To support as many women in their healing journey and soul evolution, so that SHE can hold space for her sons and daughters. So that she is confident to talk to her children about aaaalll the things. And that her daughters learn their true value, worth and magic at an early age, and that her sons learn to have reverence for the women he comes to know in his life.

We have lost connection to the wisdom of our elders… as they have had their place in this world stolen. Women who honoured their intuition and deep knowing have been punished, ostracised and worse. In this program we bring you back to your original state of being, and in connection with the divine woman you are. You will move forward in your journey to becoming a Wise Woman by unleashing the Goddess within.


So what does it mean to be a Goddess?


There are 2 interpretations; the first is a woman who has great charm or beauty and arouses adoration. The second is a female “god”; believed to have power over a particular part of the world or nature. In this program we’re unleashing both…. Your charm and your superpowers, and connecting you to the Goddess within!

In this program we work from the inside out…. Soul, body and then mind!


Through this program, you will;

Go deep

on authenticity and connect deeply with your true essence 

Get clear 

on your soul blueprint and what makes you uniquely you; using this to navigate your lifepath and head in the direction of your true North.  


the language of your physical body and how to work with it to support you in your soul journey 


Experience a deep sense of  

self exploration and self-acceptance

as we explore all things “women’s business”, in a small, sisterhood of like-minded women

Strengthen your intuition

and your emotions, and learn to use this as a guidance system

Be introduced to a range of  

feminine archetypes and Goddesses,  

whose wisdom and teachings offer such a gift and a path to guide you on your journey of becoming an Unleashed Goddess.


Develop a deeper connection and  

level of trust in the natural elements, 

and learn how to utilise their energy to propel you forward on your path towards self-actualisation and ultimately, transcendence

Connect to the divine feminine within

Connect to your pleasure body  

and allow yourself to experience all of the bliss and joy that is available to you 


Experience a variety of healing and uplifting modalities, designed to aid you in your journey of transformation, self-empowerment, soul-connection (and SO much more!)


Over 9 months you will receive:

  • 40 weeks of video content (approximately 50 hours)
  • 20 group discovery calls (2hrs each)
  • 2x 1-hour individual discovery calls
  • A “Goddess Weekend”; in person on the Gold Coast! This will include healing and. “glow-up” experiences to support you in awakening and unleashing your inner Goddess
  • Ongoing support in a private online group
  • Access to a membership site where all of the content is easily accessible
  • Lifetime access to the membership site and content
  • PDF workbook
  • Surprises along the way ;-)


All your questions answered

Are you ready?


Apply to become an Unleashed Goddess

Complete the short form, and you'll be contacted to arrange a chat to ensure that The Unleashed Goddess is the right program to support you to evolve into the most self-expressed, unapologetic, soul-connected version of yourself!

I'm here for you.

If you're ready to take the next step, or if you're not quite sure, I'm here for you. If you have any questions, get in touch.